Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chez JAL

My friend laughed at the party description I listed in our Evite... September 25th through September 26th. Well, here I am at close to 2:30 AM on the 26th smiling at the loveliness that was our "Housewarming Shindig." We really meant it when we said come whenever! Our last guest left a mere 30 minutes ago and I'm nestled on my sofa enjoying the quiet and the memories while the dishwasher is hard at work in the background.

Many ideas spring to mind when I think of the question, "What makes a house a home?" Tonight, well actually, early this morning, I'm well-reminded that beyond the furniture, the pictures hanging on the wall, and that newly painted bedroom, people make a house a home. And, I feel more at home in this moment than I have in a month. Honestly, I feel loved. The friends that were able to come tonight made my life in this new city feel sweeter, more significant and seen. I loved how handfuls of them celebrated this amazing place of provision with us.

A favorite aspect of the party was the way several friends invited others into it with us--from Starbucks around the corner, the restaurant across the street, to their own housemates. It was awesome to say, "Welcome, make yourself at home," to people I've never laid eyes on before tonight. This is the kind of home I want to have throughout my lifetime...

I savored every second.