Friday, March 28, 2014

It Was Brilliant

Most of the time I consider myself to be a person who isn't easily surprised. Many years of engaging with people from a smorgasbord of backgrounds has developed my curiosity and yet, for good or for bad,  I've grown to be rather unmoved when I learn of or see something I didn't expect in someone's life. I guess when you hear and witness so many stories, nothing feels too shocking. But today, I was genuinely surprised.

I attended a function and knew the person giving the address. It was one of their best moments when it came to content and delivery that I've witnessed. None of that was unforeseen. Still, there was a moment when a question was asked and instead of speaking in generalities, they allowed their humanity to spill out. The person spoke about a genuine fear they face in a process they're in. And I, well, I marveled.

The public and specific acknowledgement of limitation and weakness was one of the most beautiful and powerful things I've yet to witness in that person. I realized something as the day moved onward: I've never respected them more. Because today, I related to them in a way I didn't know was possible all due to a choice they made to be vulnerable in a brief moment in front of crowd.

Saturday, March 15, 2014


Earlier this year there was a piece of me which wondered about the things I was giving up to follow after the Lord. I didn't take much time thinking them over because I knew He was leading me to good places and I was so ready to go. One friend felt deeply about it on my behalf and honestly, I didn't really understand or even agree with their perspective. Because, to me, when the Lord invites me into something, I know He isn't asking me to release good things from my life. He's just inviting me into better.

And, beyond that, I wasn't concerned about how things would turn out. I figured that the people who needed to be in my life would be and I would be in theirs. Those who didn't need to walk through this next season with me wouldn't. I didn't need to 'fight' for friendships or figure it out. I simply needed to grab the Lord's hand and walk forward with Him. I truly thank God that I didn't worry about it because I've been able to simply be here, moving forward.

In the midst of feeling light about my relationships, God has done something I didn't expect (I didn't analyze it to death, so I didn't see it coming). He's given me the sweetest moments with people I used to see all of the time. I've been included in ways I haven't anticipated. When I show up somewhere and happen upon people, there is a freedom and joy in the moments we're together that I haven't experienced in quite a while.

I was living under a burden I couldn't easily identify. Expectation. Disappointment. Longing. Desire. Newly freed up from these places, I have the privilege to look at my encounters with fresh eyes. It has been really lovely. I'm feeling a little gooey about it today, actually. I see how the Lord has fought for ME in His leading away from what was. He had more for me and was not content to leave me there. Instead, He has led me here -- to a space which is so open and wide. Here where the sun shines more brightly, I find myself blinking back tears of gratitude for what was and now, what is.

This is where surrender leads. When I opened up my heart and my hands to say, "You know better," God kindly showed me just that -- better.

Sunday, March 09, 2014

What He Says

I've been thinking a lot this week about believing God. He has given me many opportunities to practice listening to His voice above the voices of people these past few years. In this arena, the challenge for me comes when those people happen to be close to me.

What I've been learning is this: He tells me to place my trust in Him alone. He invites me into depth and intimacy in ways others might not ever understand. The risks He asks me to take and the decisions He invites me to make won't make sense to everyone. He and I have a really sweet relationship that way, actually. I'm really grateful for the way He works with me. It's a gift in my life.

So, at the end of the day I know that as I follow after Him, I genuinely don't need to worry about the opinions of those who don't see it as I do. They may never get it and honestly, it's okay because the most critical thing is that I choose to believe Him. No matter what.