Friday, March 28, 2014

It Was Brilliant

Most of the time I consider myself to be a person who isn't easily surprised. Many years of engaging with people from a smorgasbord of backgrounds has developed my curiosity and yet, for good or for bad,  I've grown to be rather unmoved when I learn of or see something I didn't expect in someone's life. I guess when you hear and witness so many stories, nothing feels too shocking. But today, I was genuinely surprised.

I attended a function and knew the person giving the address. It was one of their best moments when it came to content and delivery that I've witnessed. None of that was unforeseen. Still, there was a moment when a question was asked and instead of speaking in generalities, they allowed their humanity to spill out. The person spoke about a genuine fear they face in a process they're in. And I, well, I marveled.

The public and specific acknowledgement of limitation and weakness was one of the most beautiful and powerful things I've yet to witness in that person. I realized something as the day moved onward: I've never respected them more. Because today, I related to them in a way I didn't know was possible all due to a choice they made to be vulnerable in a brief moment in front of crowd.

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