Flying back into Boston, my dear friends, Alex & Ging picked me up at Logan, brought me flowers, a Starbucks gift card and whisked me away to a fabulous lunch... Does it get any better than that? I have such AMAZING friends. And, I said "Hello" to Boston once again.
I feel like I'm still in a fog of adjustment and realizing, "No, Jess, it is not a dream." (Don't worry, I typically speak of myself in the third person.) It's probably funny to say this, but even in this haze, I can see that I'm changed somehow. God met me in such tremendous ways during my time away. I'm still processing through it, trying to make sense of it, yet enjoying the mystery for the moment.
I'm looking forward to what I'll uncover and as I said in my last post, anxious to share some of that with you. For now, it's good to be home, I am missing my Florida life and friends, and I'm excited to see what God has in store as I, once again, focus on where He