Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The Rain... Over It.

It's been raining for weeks... Well, maybe just days, but it certainly feels longer. This sun-starved transplant of a Coloradoan is missing the glaring warmth of the Rocky Mountain sun tonight in a very bad way. The gloominess is getting to me and I'm remembering that this is what February feels like for me in New England. What an encouraging realization though! It's not me... It's the weather! The last few days have brought higher temperatures amid the rain, so I am grateful and see the blessing in it. Yet, the idea of heading to a tanning salon has crossed my mind frequently (even though I'm not completely "pro" that strategic step).

This morning when I awoke to torrents of rain, I was pained by the reality that I had 9 AM, 1:30 PM and 3:00 PM meetings. In fact, I arrived at the office with pants soaked to mid-calf wondering why I've yet to purchase some stylish rainboots from JCrew or Urban Outfitters (note to self, this is a very good idea!) and told my boss after a quick "Good Morning" that I couldn't believe I actually came to the office today. I know, I'm delightful. :)

In the midst of all of this, I passed Park Street Church on my usual route to the office; I saw a sign on the steps reminding me that today is the beginning of the Lenten Season. Ash Wednesday, in fact. I quickly forgot about this and went to work. Mid-day though, a friend emailed saying we had our monthly "Night of Reflection" at church which jogged my memory... Oh right, Ash Wednesday, Lent, Easter... All day I debated whether I should go or not (more to the story) and finally decided to attend.

There is something about Lent. Never in my life, prior to my move to Boston, did I consider it. My Baptist upbringing did not seem to draw attention to the season before Easter with the exception of Palm Sunday and honestly, I did not know or care much until three years ago. This is not a judgment call, just my experience, but life has been so much richer with an understanding of the Lenten Season.

It came without warning this year. Maybe that's how it happens though. You're moving along with your life per normal, have barely had time to consider that the New Year is here and now, quite suddenly, you are thrown into a season of introspection. If this isn't you, I'll just speak for myself because wow, this is me. I arrived at church tonight (we meet in a hotel in the city for now), took a few moments to catch up with friends and we launched into this...

"By asking for thrones in glory, James and John were wanting comfortable security in addition to honor and power... The spirit of James and John lingers on, especially in us who have been cushioned by affluence. It is true that inflation and unemployment have brought many to a new experience of insecurity. Yet we still regard security as our birthright and 'safety first' as a prudent motto. Where is the spirit of adventure, the sense of uncalculating solidarity with the underprivileged? Where are the Christians who are prepared to put service before security, compassion before comfort, hardships before ease? Thousands pioneer Christian tasks are waiting to be done, which challenge our complacency, and which call for risk."

John Stott The Cross of Christ

Talk about being jolted out of the self-misery of the past few days... Welcome Lent!! In a way, I was elated to hear these words tonight. I think this is the reason: I remembered that it is not about me and more so, there are so many better things to put at the forefront of my life. For instance, worship. Something inside me could not help but worship God tonight. We read these words and as we moved into a time of singing, my heart felt light and free to appreciate God for his goodness in showing me that it's really not about these small, yet complicated dramas in my life or the world around me. He is active in the midst of it - he sent his Son to redeem me out of my gloom - he cares so deeply and loves so freely, speaking truth with grace so I can be free. And, he wants more for me than I want for myself... like getting over myself and moving past complacency and the comfort of security in tangible things to embrace the unknown and to risk.

Does that not inspire and bring life in the midst of my weariness? Absolutely. I love the idea that I have forty days to think about things like this and move toward action as I see the Gospel transform my cynical heart. This season acts as a reminder to refocus and reconsider the amazing truth that Jesus came and lived a perfect life; he offered himself as a sacrifice to pay the penalty for my sin, through his death on the cross, and rose again to give me new life. To ponder, question, wonder and worship.

While the rain turns to sleet, then snow outside my window right now, I'll leave you with these words to an old hymn that I've grown to love in a modern context/version. I'm unsure of the author and my search online has come up empty, but it encompasses the hope I have for own my heart this Lenten Season... To remember to worship God because he is true.


All my life long I had panted
For a drink from some cool spring
That I hoped would, quench the burning
Of the Thirst I felt within

Feeding on the filth around me
Till my strength was almost gone
Longed my soul for something better
Only still to hunger on

Hallelujah He has Found me
The One my soul, so long has craved
Jesus Satisfies, all my longings
Through his Blood I now am saved

Poor I was and sought for riches
Something that would satisfy
But the dust I gathered round me
Only mocked my soul's sad cry

Well of water ever springing
Bread of Life so rich and Free
Untold wealth that never Faileth
My Redeemer is to me







skf said...

I love this... You are a true blessing in my life :)

Anonymous said...

Totally didn't know you had a blog! this is so random. What are the odds? have a good week, Jessica.


robert said...

The lovely gospel song you quote was written by Clara Tear Williams. Today is the 151st anniversary of her birth. If you'd like to learn a bit more about this amazing woman, you can check out my blog, Wordwise Hymns. God bless.