Wednesday, March 05, 2008


New England winter goes on forever... or so it seems. This reality is compounded by the flu. Yes, the past week and a half I have been home. On the couch, in my bed, on the phone, watching movies, sleeping and drinking lot's and lot's of fluids. While I began to feel better over the weekend - my voice returned which is always a good sign - I was still quite lethargic.

The past few days I have made myself stay at home. Normally, I would have already been up and at um' in the office, but I decided to actually take care of myself and fully recover before jumping back into life per normal. This, I believe, has been a good decision, but boy have I been restless. On Monday night I thought I was going to jump out of my skin. Restless energy.

So, that's my story. Not much more to it than that. I did have to leave the house today to go to the dentist of all places. It was a fun excursion. I was happily greeted by WARM air on the other side of my front door which reminded me that spring is on its way - Daylight Savings Time is this weekend: Spring Forward Everyone! Hopefully, we'll experience a true spring this year... That said, my restless self is not getting her hopes up quite yet.

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