Monday, August 03, 2009

Counting Down...

18 days...

It is hard to believe, but I'll be moving to Orlando in under three weeks! I've just arrived back in Boston after spending the past month in Colorado and am beginning the 'I'm really moving, better start packing' process. I've made three separate to-do lists, I've yet to unpack my CO luggage, I'm starting to feel sad and I'm excited about the change (but maybe not hurricane season?!). How's that for an update?

I think I'll go make dinner.


Brittany Drennen said...

whatcha makin? :)

Jessica Bott said...

Wasn't anything fancy... Just some Tilapia & veggies. It's SO nice to be home & cook again though! Yucky dorm food... :)

Unknown said...

Hi Jessica,

So, I loved your post on GlobalStaffWomen. So I clicked on your profile and then saw your blog. Read the first entry and saw ORLANDO!??!?!! Why, that's where I LIVE!

You coming to LH? Where?

Welcome! It's a great city. I hope you like lots of humidity, plenty of lightening, alligators, and flat ground.

:-) Karin

Jessica Bott said...

Hi Karin!

So fun to hear from you. I actually did the same thing - loved your blog!

I am heading to O-town - for LHS. I will be working in HRX for the year. It'll be quite an adjustment, but I am excited to get there. :)Thanks for the 'Welcome'. What department are you in?

Thanks for saying hi!