Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Encouragement for the Journey

It was six o'clock and I was walking along Orange Avenue. Trying to determine some locations to send groups of people throughout our city for the evening, my mind was focused but I tried to make an effort to notice the people around me. It's funny how people don't say "Hi" to one another anymore...

When I lived in the Hub, I once complimented a girl on her outfit while I was out and about one day. She was absolutely taken back by the interaction--she looked shocked. I think she'd likely grown so used to ignoring others and being ignored that even a simple acknowledgement of her or her outfit was something beyond strange. It was a moment that stuck with me.

So I was strolling along at a good pace, taking in the line in front of The Social and how everyone's outfits looked the same. It was really humid this afternoon and I continued to think that jeans were a bad choice, but the mosquito bites covering my legs motivated me to throw on the skinny's as I headed out the door and into town. I continued south and walked by a man who was extremely drunk. He had black eyes and as he watched me, stumbled into a metal gate that was far away from his original path. His intense attention startled me and I quickened my steps.

I took a deep breath as I crossed over Washington Street and continued taking some notes on the little sheet of paper I was carrying. Coming towards me was an enormous man (like a football player enormous). As we arrived closer to one another, he slowed and said, "I'm so sorry... But, you're beautiful." I now was the one who was taken back. He was so kind and sincere. There was nothing creepy about the interaction. I blushed and said, "Thanks! Have a great day!" walking past him and turning towards him as I said it. He said, "I just did--you made it make great..." He said a few more things and I continued to blush and walk south on Orange.

I'll tell you what... That was sweet. And, I knew it wasn't really that guy. It was the Lord. I just sensed this quietness in the moment, like everything stopped and I was supposed to hear all of those things and just take them in. I was surprised by it all for sure. I smiled for a few blocks and I think I stood up a little taller. There's something about being seen and acknowledged. I was grateful for that stranger today and the ways that he blessed me through his sincerity.

And I just thought of the reality that each of those people that I passed--the intense drunk man, the people lined up for a show wearing the same outfits and everyone in between--they all have stories. They all need to be acknowledged and complimented and seen. I want to be the kind of person that moves outside of myself and takes risks loving them in the way I can--telling them what I see. More importantly, what He sees in them.

I am thankful for those moments today. The Lord affirmed me in a way that was so meaningful to me right now. (I didn't realize how much such a small thing would impact me.) He reminded me that I'm not invisible--neither are the people around me in this city. He loves.

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