Sunday, December 23, 2012

Pursuing & Holding Fast to Truth

It's the middle of the night. I woke up out of pretty intense dreams, receiving clarity on a piece of something I've chosen to walk into very intentionally recently. As I considered it, I was bombarded with a slew of other thoughts. I feel a little taken back by the way the lies are coming at me as I'm pursuing the truth. Though, I shouldn't be surprised...

The fiery darts are being thrown in quick succession; I feel tired. I wonder how to shield myself from the attack while continuing to walk in what is true. This was one of the thoughts that came as I surfaced to awareness from my last dream:

"You already know this stuff about yourself... There is nothing anyone can do to help you out of it. You already know it..."

And another:

"This stuff has become part of who you are... It's too entrenched to be removed."

Even in my sleepiness, there's something I understand and I want to state it clearly: I disagree with these statements offered to me as if they're 1) my own thoughts 2) true! I refuse to believe and walk in them. Jesus has purchased my freedom and already knows the road out from here. I'm so thankful for THAT truth.

Leaning in; pressing on.

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