Monday, November 26, 2007

Happy House

There are moments in my life when I realize, "I have a good life!" I wish they happened with more frequency (albeit, I am a very positive person), but sometimes I fail to realize the actual joy that exists in the midst of my routine. Tonight, I had one of those moments.

I just returned home from a friends house where we were reviewing our Christmas photo shoot pics (admittedly, a little strange to me still); walking into my apartment, I felt a surge of happiness. I don't know where it came from (well, I could, should and do acknowledge the Lord... every good and perfect gift...), but I felt peaceful and grateful. I walked into my room to change into more comfy clothes - it's cold outside and I'm still adjusting. On my way to the kitchen to make tea, I appreciated the painted walls - colors that I love and chose and painted with friends and roommates - I smiled at the living room - it's so stinkin' inviting!!! - my eyes glanced around at furniture I adore and took time to collect and well, I just felt happy!...

All of this made me think about our recently celebrated holiday - Thanksgiving. On the actual day, I awoke feeling under the weather as I had for a week or so prior. I knew in my heart that I had things I was thankful for, but somehow that day, I wasn't able to express it in the truest of senses. I think that's why tonight struck me and the urge to blog overcame me. I am just SO grateful for my life in this moment and I think that's worth writing about and celebrating.

A few weeks ago, sitting with a friend who is struggling, I remember telling her that sometimes we need other people to look into our lives and tell us what's good because at times, we aren't capable of seeing one iota of good for ourselves. Tonight, I can clearly SEE the goodness and my heart feels invigorated. The simple things that make my life mine. Remembering that there is purpose and meaning and hope and joy... I have such a good life!

Wow. Am I grateful!


kcknoles said...


I have been checking your blog (I don't even remember where I found the link to it!!) Anyway, it has been fun to catch up on your life in Boston. Thanks for this latest post, it reminds me to try and be thankful for the little things when everything is so overwhelming. I could just picture you walking through your apartment smiling!

Thanks for letting me read about your life...even though you probably didn't know I was! :)

Carrie Knoles

Andy McCullough said...

Jess, sorry to hear about your grandmother's passing. Hope you are doign well.