Friday, January 16, 2009

Carolina on My Mind

My friend Megan and I hit the road spontaneously last night to begin our trek to North Carolina. (Our friends Josh and Erin are getting married tomorrow!) I arrived at her place in New Haven in the mid-afternoon, grabbed Thai for lunch and as soon as we walked into her apartment realized, 'Wait, we're going to drive all day tomorrow and all day Sunday'? - our plan, or really lack thereof, was lame. Within forty minutes we'd called her relatives in D.C. making arrangements to stay with them, she packed and we were bustling out of Connecticut trying to miss as much of the ensuing NYC rush hour traffic as humanly possible.

An additional snag? She had to complete her final grad school application essays and submit them online by midnight. Needless to say, I quickly refreshed on driving a standard, she edited and typed and I drove the majority of the trip once we made a pit stop in Jersey (Praise God they pump your gas for you! It was balistically cold last night!). Later, we took a quick dinner break (essays almost done) and were able to catch President Bush as he gave his farewell address to the nation. Good timing!

Back on the road, we searched for signs of Wi-Fi (musing about the world we live in when this word is a part of our vocabulary and something we'd look for on a road trip down south). Sadly, it was after 9 PM and not a Panera to be found! Thankfully, her relatives (who are a bit older) were set up far beyond expectation and she was able to email them away after some of the most delicious apple pie I've had, courtesy of her great aunt, around 11 PM.

We made it to North Carolina today after an awesome morning with her amazingly hospitable relatives (thanks Dave and Jackie!!), Chick-Fil-A in Virginia with a really weird hand dryer in the restrooms (ask me about it - so creepy) and no major mishaps on the highways and bi-ways between D.C. and here. I'm still on the search for peanut butter M & M's (you wouldn't believe how hard they are to find!), but excited to have a reunion of sorts with friends of old and hanging out with such a fun friend.

...In my mind I've gone to Carolina... ! JT

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