Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Choice: Woe or Thank?

A few days ago I realized a need in my life: attitude adjustment! I'm just processing some heavier things right now and I realized (in the midst of a virus that kept me on the sofa and asleep in my bed for five days) that I was on a 'woe-is-me' spiral headed DOWNWARD. For such a positive person, I have issues. :) Honestly, I think it's easy at times to let circumstances rule my emotions and perspective. I read something that very evening that reminded me about gratitude. And, before bed, I felt *compelled* (quite literally) to jump out of bed, grab my journal and write 10 things I was thankful for that night.

I did it and found release in the action. I felt like I moved above those things concerning me (not to say that they didn't slip back into my consciousness the moment my head hit the pillow) and had something new to detour my brain towards in my considerations. And, I even thanked God for a couple things for which I don't feel very thankful right now.

Last night, I did it again. I think I'm going to turn this into a practice for the next month or so--feel free to check with me if you want. I'm excited to see how God will use this time to shape my heart toward relationship with Him. I think it'll be sweet... That's just a guess, but I hope...


Jenade said...

Great idea Jess. I feel like I need to do something similar. So, how is it going with the list? Couple things I'm thankful for:

- God grace and mercy. (Just talked about this last night in Bible study. I would be lost without Him.)

- Our summer in Vail. (God has greatly used that time in my life. I loved the kids and our awesome staff!)

Jessica Bott said...

Hi Friend! I love it! Those are sweet things to be thankful for--Thanks for sharing!! I miss Vail...

My list took a turn for not writing it down so much post-Christmas as I was on the road for a couple of weeks, BUT your comment encouraged me to look back at my lists from the previous weeks. I was encouraged to see the Lord helping me show gratitude for hard things and sweet things.

Right now, I'm choosing to be thankful for this waiting process I'm in--new post today on that.

Hope your New Year is off to a great start! Much love and big hug!