Monday, January 21, 2013


I feel these chains loosening their grip on me
freedom is coming, one I've only hoped to see
Life in technicolor chases after me

Standing here, I watch it--
  as it races past
painting ahead a path so bright
all the dark returns to light

I begin to wonder, is it really true?
Could this be the life He's actually called me to?

Suddenly in motion
I set out toward the road
the pesky bonds tighten fast
they don't want to let me go

Looking down at my chains
I consider them again
I'm tired of their stories
they're no longer solacing friends

(I see them as they really are
their heartless nature intent to scar)

The path is there, a step away
my bonds won't break
they're determined to stay

Mustering all my courage I advance 
my toe barely skims the lane
in that moment, a blink of the eye
these shackles, they fall away

And I'm standing here unfettered, stunned
the chains, they're on the ground
wrists and ankles breathing, free
then there You are...
You're here with me?!!!

You hold my hands in Your palms
and kneel, examining my feet
where those bonds pressed in
where they marred my skin
You anoint each line, restoring me

As You stand, I hear a song
I don't quite know the tune
You begin to sing it over me
I long to join in with You

You smile at me and grab my hand
ushering me along
there's more to discover
there's vibrant, technicolored Life to live
and as I'm freshly unhindered,
we journey on.

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