Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I walked into a coffee shop I love this morning and was quickly (and rather loudly) greeted by a couple of smiling guys I'm getting to know. They were spending some time together with two others (strangers to me), but for 50 seconds, all four pairs of eyes were on me. I felt a little sheepish, actually. I may have blushed. Their greeting felt like celebration... I was there and they were glad. I felt surprised by it.

Sometimes, even when I'm with my closest friends, I can feel invisible or boring. Perhaps other people feel that way, too? Maybe we forget to notice each other, practice curiosity by asking our friends about themselves or sometimes we might see something in our friend we don't understand so it's hard to move toward them. This past year, I've really begun to desire to become a person who notices and also a person of invitation, I see how focusing on myself, genuinely lacking interest in those around me (sad to say, but true) or fear of not knowing what to do keeps me from people. But this morning, I was reminded again of how good it feels to be noticed. To been seen. To be wanted.

I hope to reach out to others in like-kind. I hope they feel noticed, seen and wanted by me. The heart of the Father intersects life in these relational moments. He reminds us that we belong... In fact, we belong to Him. Amazing.

So I'm thankful for those guys today. I'm grateful to have been seen and even delighted in. What a gift.

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