Friday, October 06, 2006

Mommy for the Weekend?

Yes, last weekend I became the "Mommy" - or maybe just the "Auntie." My friends were out of town and I watched two of their three kiddos, the dog, the snake, the bunnies and had out of town company of my own. It was really fun. I was really sleepy after staying up super late with my friends, but especially at 6 AM or so when the sweet doggie wanted to go outside; and, then again at 7 or 7:30 AM when the eight year old wanted me to, "Wake up, Miss Jess!"

I forget that going to Target to spend a gift card can be such an adventure, or watching an animated movie for the second time at the theatre such a big deal, going to McDonalds is super fun, and being picked up on time at school is so important. :) I realized how much work it is to keep a house clean (which I really do care about) with so much going on, getting everyone out the door on time for church, thinking through what other people need to eat - when it's just me I figure I'll get something eventually.... The list goes on and on.

I also loved that the dog followed me around the house. At one point I looked at him and asked, "Why are you following me around, Shel?" And then it occurred to me, "Oh, right... I'm the 'Mommy.'" So sweet. All to say, I can't help but be grateful for mom's! What incredible work they do caring for their kids and keeping their houses together. I'm thoroughly impressed.

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