Monday, January 29, 2007

Looking Forward

Today I am reflecting on the fact that it's 2007. Happy New Year! Have I said that yet? Honestly, I've sort of forgotten that it has arrived and January is almost over now. That went fast.

I've been doing the usual: forgetting to write 2007 on checks and in documents (thank the Lord for Word though... it does this for me and I am better for it). I'm kind-of relieved to think about the New Year. There is much to look forward to and it's exciting to have a clean slate in certain senses (more on that in the near future).

In the technology arena, I'm moving up a notch... I purchased my first Treo today and I'm eagerly anticipating the day when it will arrive. I'm a little stunted in my technology growth, so I feel thankful for friends who will help me. I hear that my life will be better as a result of having it because I'll be able to sync my email, contacts, calendar and tasks -- the latter two were the selling points for me -- and all without the use of a cord (though, I really tried not to get one, but am glad to have been convinced otherwise). Awesome. I think I'll have fun waiving it around my laptop and seeing what happens. My friend assures me that I don't have to wave it, but I think it'll be more fun to do so. :)

Schedule demands have not necessarily eased, but the differences for the spring are allowing me to spend more time with friends and doing some things that I love. It is super encouraging to have time to spend with people again - hopefully I'll be a little more in tune with what's going on with others this spring. I'm reading Harry Potter - it's so good! I get to travel a little for work which is fun. Plus, I'm generally seeking to build margin into my schedule which is a tremendous growth point for me.

In recent news, I will spend the summer in my fabulous home state! I have accepted a leadership role on one of our renowned Summer Projects! God has blessed me with an opportunity to spend the summer in close quarters with students and staff in the gorgeous Rockies. Not only is this a treat for me personally, but I am thankful for the growth and development that the Lord is already causing in my life as a result of taking on this role. It's amazing how something like this can plunge a person into examining one's own life and cause an immediate dependence upon God. I feel completely incapable of leading in this capacity as I see my life from the front row. Yet, God is gracious to me and has entrusted me with this responsibility. I can't wait to see what He has in store!

So, all in all, 2007 is looking good and I'm looking forward to it. I think it's the optimist in me, but I think it's going to be the best year yet. I'll let you know in a few months time.


skf said...

Congrats on your Treo! Now you and Paul can BOTH check your email during CG! (Did that sound sarcastic?)

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.