Friday, May 04, 2007

A Recap of Weeks Gone By... Final Installment

I mentioned our "new event" we held in April in my previous post. Last month, we gathered the women in the Northeast together for a women's conference. A time to connect with the Lord and one another... A time, prayerfully, to be refreshed and to rest. In the midst of bronchitis, the Lord met me in some sweet ways. One thing I took away from the time was this image:

When I arrived home from our conference, I sifted the internet for this photograph. The title is "Woman with Seven Children" and it was taken during the Great Depression. Our speaker used this image in one of her talks and it moved me. She asked us what we saw...

I saw a brave woman. Someone who had been through so much and seemed to have a tender determination to make it. She seemed strong. Her children clung to her for support and she sat looking into the distance, perhaps the future, with her face forward.

I LOVE this image. It has continued to minister to my heart and at times, I'm not sure why. I continue to think about her. What did she go through during those times? What did she hope for in the future? How did she do it?

It's not often that an image or piece of art so consumes my thoughts and my heart, but this one did. I'm going to enjoy the journey of processing what this image means to me. How I love it!

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