Monday, January 31, 2011

War Wounds

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." 
John 16:33

I don't know about you, but when I break down in tears with the physical therapist over a simple inability to conquer a more intense version of the plank, it's time to really take stock of what's happening inside. I knew I was off this morning. I had the hardest time sleeping and sent a late night text to my big brother to see if he might be able to give me some perspective. Sadly, when we finally did connect at 1:30 AM, he was engaged with a friend and couldn't offer more than a listening ear for the overview before hanging up with a promise to talk soon. Thankfully, just the brief connection helped put me at ease and I fell asleep a short time later.

I jolted awake 30 minutes before my scheduled alarm and the thoughts that kindly slipped away as I embraced REM, flooded back into my consciousness. Hours later, I'm still not certain what it is that I'm feeling. Loss? Grief? Disturbed? I cannot pinpoint the emotion and perhaps that's why peace seems far from me. Obviously I'm vague, but I learned something last night that has been challenging to process. Does it alter life? No, not really, but I'm struggling with it. 

More to the point, I think it has much to do with this fear that has crept back into my life this past week; it comes in the form of this statement: "I don't want to be messed with again..." Life and relationships have taught me many things, but this sits high atop the list. The Lord, in His goodness I believe, has brought this up for a purpose--perhaps to heal this particular war wound.

It's true. Life is filled with pain. Sometimes it seems like it sits at attention waiting to spill over, covering every ounce of hopefulness that exists in my life. The old platitude, "This too shall pass," no longer comforts but becomes yet another stake to plunge into the ground declaring the absurdity of the broken world.

And then I remember... "But take heart! I have overcome the world." 

Meeting with two sweet women yesterday, we chatted for hours about forgiveness. What does it mean to forgive? In part, we must confess where we are in relationship to God--understanding our own depravity and need for forgiveness. We are not able to give what we have not received. Then, we are free to forgive ourselves and forgive others. How is this possible? Truly, only through a relationship with Jesus. We cannot manufacture it--it had to have been provided for us. There's no other source, no other way.

At one point in our dialogue we read a favorite passage of mine in the Bible that speaks about hope:

"Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
Romans 5:1-5

God has met me time and again through this particular passage because it points me to what is true. Where is my hope found? Hope does not exist to disappoint... It exists because God loves us and provides a greater picture and truth about the world than what we see and experience regularly. He has made us righteous by grace (which we stand in! Amazing...) through the work that Jesus accomplished in his life, death and resurrection. We're at peace with God and therefore, whatever trouble we encounter, we are transformed as we move through it and find: hope; and, we can move beyond it to the glory of God. Not only that (as if it wasn't enough!), he ensures that we're able to walk in his love through the gift of the Holy Spirit. I'm just in awe of him...

Honestly, even after all of that, my feelings are still at war inside me. The ability to heal, forgive and hope have to be entrusted to God. I cannot make those things happen in my own strength. I lack it. But, I do want those things... I'm trusting him for it.

Which reminds me, last week I sensed the Lord asking me that question: "Whom do you trust, Jess?"

In this world we will have trouble... Jesus has overcome the world.


Brittany Drennen said...


i so needed this post you have no idea. the first few paragraphs hit something so deep, the part about pain waiting to spill over, and forgiveness being so hard even when you want to. I love you. I feel like a visit is in order soon.

Jessica Bott said...

I'm so glad, friend. It needed to come out of me, so there we have it. It's a true feeling and experience right now. I need him to dig in deep and pull out this root. Trusting that he'll show me where/what it is... Praying for you. Would love to see you...