Sunday, May 13, 2012

Something Old... Something New...

Today started with me in my version of 'pajamas' (as my friend, Julie tells it anyway--it was actually a skirt and tank top, but you know...), little to no make-up and a waking up as you go sort-of attitude. Today was Lindsey and Kevin's wedding day. Julie and I headed out early, meeting Lindsey and her sister at Starbucks to spend some time together, but most importantly, time with the Lord.

We did that for Julie's wedding nearly two years ago. How special to repeat it on this day.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday have been a whirlwind of activity, but days filled with joy. From a Bachelorette Party that started at my house and ended at a local comedy club the girls and I love, to a sweet rehearsal where we practiced a dance the bridal party would do at the reception, to Raglan Road for the rehearsal dinner, there were so many sweet moments. We've laughed a ton.

The ceremony was one of the most wonderful I've yet to be a part of up to this point. The bridesmaids entered the sanctuary in our "Pearl Pink" dresses and the music played. We tried to walk slowly. There was a brief opportunity for quiet as a relative read a short passage in Revelation talking about Jesus coming for His Bride, the Church. The music began again and we all sang familiar words, "How great is our God..." as the church doors opened and Lindsey and her dad made the long walk down the aisle. When she reached the front, she and Kevin sang these words to one another through teary eyes, smiling at one another. Her hand full with bouquet lifted into the air as she praised Jesus. I was moved to tears. It was truly beautiful.

And, they committed their lives to one another. They made a covenant before God and all of us to live this life as one, to love each other and together, to pursue His Kingdom. They reminded each other that they couldn't do it in their own strength--that they would fail if they did so--but, trusting God, they said, "I do." It was a powerful reminder of that truth and reality... They can't do it on their own. They will need help.

Then the party... And, oh, what a party! We danced and danced and danced. And, laughed and laughed and laughed. I told a couple of the guys from Colorado that they needed to move here. Seriously, I mean it (if you ever read this blog, I mean, I meant it!!!). I probably said it ten times. We caught up on life since way back then and something inside me was reminded of where I've come from. All the while, I'm spinning around the dance floor (maybe I was jumping and twirling at once... you'll never know) taking in the faces of people that have become dear to me here. Worlds collide. It was awesome. I also made new friends, but who is really surprised? :)

At long last, my friends needed to go. Out came the bubbles and we made the line, showering them as they ran to their 'getaway' car--a lovely red Ford Mustang convertible--nicely done. I sort-of yell over the crowd and the bubbles, "Love you, Linds!!!" while she grabs something and quickly turns to me with a smile then promptly chucks a bouquet at me! Number five. Number five... I felt loved (and the girl has an arm, so my ribs also felt a bit shocked by the impact!). Then they drove away... to Jamaica or something cool like that.

Going back to gather my things, I said goodbyes to the Colorado friends. I really delighted in seeing them! I'm a little surprised by how much it meant to me. I tracked down Lindsey's family, hugged them and told them what a great party they threw. Smiling, I savored a short walk down my old street finding the valet who said I was the last one... He was kind to wait for me to come get my car.  I drove home replaying it all in my head. I feel really thankful--such a perfect way to spend three days of your life, really...

Happy, Happy Wedding Day, Kevin & Linds. I love you guys so much. Thanks for letting me share in your beautifully orchestrated day... It really was an honor.

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