Sunday, June 17, 2012

What If I'm Not as Brave as Ruth?

She left everything she knew to follow her mother-in-law to a different country. Her husband was dead. Her sister-in-law chose to listen and head back to her homeland. Ruth didn't listen, deciding instead to stay with Naomi. She decided to worship the God of Naomi's ancestors. She moved toward relationship and stuck with it.

Then she put herself out there--she went to work. She knew they needed food to survive and although she might face danger or abuse in the fields, she worked hard anyway. God showed her favor as she found herself laboring in a field owned by Boaz. I'm sure she had no clue how he would choose to move toward her and provide for her. But, he did and Boaz went above and beyond.

Naomi saw an opportunity for their future--Boaz was a man who could change their situation--He was one of their kinsman redeemers. Ruth did everything Naomi instructed her to do. She put herself out there in the most pronounced way. Instead of taking advantage of her or rejecting her, Boaz acted honorably and sought Ruth's best. He went through the proper channels and kept his word in the end. He sacrificed his own future by taking Ruth as his wife.

God honored all three--Naomi was no longer destitute because God gave her a son through the union of Ruth and Boaz. Ruth and Boaz became great grandparents of King David and ultimately, Jesus came from their family line. They were blessed in ways they likely couldn't have imagined.

I've been thinking about how brave they all were, but especially Ruth. In a day when women have such independence, I don't have a need to have a man in my life in this way. But, I desire it. Honestly, it's easier these days for me to hang my hat on Paul's words in the New Testament where he says it's better to remain single than be married. Living in that, I don't have to wrestle with the tension in my heart of actually wanting a relationship, but doubting God's goodness or desire in wanting to provide for me. My experience with men has not matched what I understand as I read about Boaz--he was filled with such care and integrity. Instead, it feels easier to let go of the desire altogether.

Though my circumstances are certainly not the same, the heart issue is... Ruth chose to believe something that I'm still struggling with in this area of my life and I admire her for it.  She ventured out and lived a life of remarkable faith. She knew God as Redeemer. Instead of shutting down and failing to remain open to how God might want to provide for me, I pray I follow her example.

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