Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bring the Dead to Life

I don't know how not to believe, how not to hope that God is bigger. I don't know how to resign myself to outcomes spoken by humans whose wisdom, insight and ability are incomplete in the presence of a powerful, loving, relentlessly pursuing God. He is the One who spoke the Heavens and the Earth into existence. He is the One who breathed life into dust, bringing us life as He formed us in His image.

I don't know how not to believe Him as I watch and learn of things that are beyond my understanding and control. I don't want to resign myself to what people say is true or will be true. He is bigger. Shall we forget to knock, ask, wait, trust, believe? Shall we believe them instead of asking Him to give us a greater understanding of His willingness, His ability? Opening our hands in receptivity for different outcomes?

Do we look at the impossible and say, "Indeed, it's impossible." Or do we look at the impossible and say, "My God is the God OF the impossible"?

The outcomes are still in His hands. I simply don't want to stay His hand of provision because I didn't think to ask, press in, call forth dreams and realities that He has offered us this side of the Cross. And, to think, before the Cross He still accomplished the impossible. How much more now are we able to step into and believe Him for as His Spirit dwells INSIDE of those of us who are IN Christ?

Today, I choose belief. I choose faith. I choose to ask. I choose to knock. And knock. And knock. The persistent widow doesn't have anything on me in this process for those I love.

God, increase my faith. Help me to see what You are capable of and willing to do and accomplish. I choose to stand in the gap and see how You move mountains in the wake of the faith Your Spirit instills in me. I step in, I believe, I see You, Lord Jesus. I see You. Bring the dead to life.

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