Monday, March 25, 2013

Rejecting Rejection

My Daddy said He's proud
like I got all A's on my report-card proud
even when I see the B, or worse
the F or incomplete.

He says I've stayed tender
I've remained soft
Grace upon grace
Mercy upon mercy.

I think it's why the tears came
So much pain
Thousands of invitations extended
And, rejected.

The mirror reflected Rejection back to me
She took on my face
so closely associated, she and I,
I lost track of which one of us it was staring back from the wall
I couldn't tell the difference.

But I've kept going
Offering who I am to people
Longing for depth, desiring intimacy
My loyal, hopeful, persevering nature has felt like a curse.

He takes delight in it
Like He's been cheering me on to keep inviting
The thought amazes me
How could He?
He knew what it would bring.

He's seen it differently than I have.

He sees my strength
I see my weakness
He sees my trust
I see my naivety 
He sees me becoming who He made me to be
I wonder what's wrong with me.

And He's inviting me now
to see this story through His lenses
He's asking me to look in the mirror again
Seeing His reflection in mine
Separating me and the lie in finality
so I now witness the brightness and beauty of the truth
Rejecting Rejection because...
He was rejected on my behalf so I could be free.


"He was despised and rejected—
    a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief.
We turned our backs on him and looked the other way.
    He was despised, and we did not care."
Isaiah 53:3 

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