Friday, July 12, 2013


Tonight my friends came over for dinner. The plan was to hang together and move forward on some things we learned at a conference together a few weeks back. The doorbell sounded (like fifteen times--he kept pressing the button) and I pranced down the stairs, greeting them with a smile through the glass doors between us.

Opening the door, I blocked the way in and said, "Well guys, I've decided that we must be good enough friends for me to wear my pajamas around you..." There I stood in my pj pants, a t-shirt and my hair up on top of my head. I looked wonderful. Promise. They smiled back and she said, "I brought my comfy clothes, too!!" Yes. Seriously, these are the types of friends I need in my life.

I just feel grateful tonight. Grateful I have friends to cook for, people I can walk alongside in a process where we grow deeper with Jesus and take steps in to the things He calls us to, friends to laugh with and people who share the real thoughts that run through our brains. After they left, I felt too awake to go to sleep. So, I snuggled up on the sofa and watched another episode of Burn Notice on Netflix and thought about what it'd be like to be a spy. Good stuff. Good night. Good life.

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