Thursday, May 01, 2014

Tomorrow I begin...

... to finish a first book nearly 10-years in the making. Part of it is written and will need to be reworked, no doubt. I think it's what those who find their place in the field of editing love to do -- make it better by tearing it to shreds. For now, I'm not concerning myself about that piece of the process and how it will come together. Instead, I turn back to the pages I have in order to focus my intention on telling the stories once again.

On the drive home from my part-time job today I said, "I cannot believe I'm actually going to write like a writer..." The season is here! I know the work will be hard, still I have a confidence from the Lord that He's giving me everything I need so the words will come and the stories will mend their way together to become something I never imagined.

I feel sort-of thrilled, you know?

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