Monday, April 24, 2006

Here Comes the Rain Again

Really, what a strange song, but a fitting title to this week! Its been gloomy in Boston for the last few days and although I know we need the rain, I keep thinking, "Can't it be sunny?" My friend, Alex lives for days like this - she feels super energized and productive. I'm the opposite - lethargic and bummed out. : ) You'd think I'd get more done in the office since I don't have the sun and the tourists distracting me. Only if it were true! Case in point: it's the middle of the day and I'm taking a break to blog.

On the positive side of the weather, when I reached the city I found the streets happily bare of people. Mostly just a few men and women scattered about in their suits heading to lunch (oh, right... didn't come in until about noon today). Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled that people love to visit Boston - I can't blame them, it's a great city; what I don't love is how they stop every three steps in front of me to look at the sites. Big groups are my favorite... Everyone looking up or down or this way or that. Never aware of the people who live here that need to be somewhere important... like their neighborhood Starbucks getting their morning or afternoon cup of Joe (and, here's to those hardworking Baristas! It wouldn't be a terrific latte without a little conversation with Jason & Constantine and their famous last words, "See you tomorrow!"). But, I digress (picture a smile here).

Speaking of fabulous Baristas... Honestly, they're awesome! I was just about to cross the street into my building today and there was Constantine, on lunch delivery duty for his other job... I just found that out today. He's must be such a busy guy! But, you know, he says, "Where have you been?" I say, "Oh, not working so much from the office these days." We chatted for a few minutes, he told me he liked my earrings - he says it every time I go into Starbucks - asked about life and work, and then as he was saying goodbye, added, "See you tomorrow... at Starbucks!" Boy, I'm telling you, it's like I'm creating my own little version of Cheers here. And, well, how appropriate given that I live in Boston.

So, that's a lot of randomness from yours truly today, but I guess after a super eventful weekend I'm a bit sleep deprived. And, it's Monday... The week is looking good and busy. I hope by the time it's over I'll have a new blog entitled, "Blue Skies Smiling at Me!"


Mayk said...

Jessica Bott! How the heck are you? It's funny how I randomly stumbled onto your blog from Tyler's through Steve's...

Remember me, I used to cut your lawn in exchange for cookie bribes? =)

- Mike

Jessica Bott said...

Hi Mike,

Of course I remember. How are you doing? What are you up to these days? In CO? Did Steve post my blog or something? I hadn't noticed. That's funny.