Monday, April 10, 2006

Reminded of the "Why"

Tonight, just before I thought I'd step into dreamland, I had an urge to look for some old photos. Who knows why you do something like this when you're totally exhausted and ready to sleep but, nonetheless, I stood in my closet, looking up, and saw two boxes. Honestly, I couldn't even remember what was in either of them (other than the potential find of keepsakes, etc), so I pulled the top one down and filtered through it.

On top of the pile of personal cards (and my playing cards!... Oh, that's where I put them!...) I found my "Year O' Fun" album. I know, silly name, but meaningful to me. On or around my 25th birthday a few years ago, one of my best friends, Ally D, sent me a package with a disposable camera, small picture album, sidewalk chalk - you get the idea - with a disclaimer indicating that my 25th year was deemed the "Year O' Fun" (now we understand) and I was to use the camera to record it and the other gifts to enjoy it.

Never would I have guessed that this specific year of life would bring tremendous change and adventure. God did something major in my life that year. He met me in a pretty difficult place and redeemed some things, gave me the opportunity to spread my wings beyond Colorado, and in the process of the latter two, enabled me to really see, and enjoy, and appreciate the people He brought into my life.

What's most interesting to me tonight is that I've been asking the question recently, "Why am I doing what I'm doing?" I suppose we all ask this at times. And, I found these cards in this box from the women I had the privilege of investing in at CU... Such sweet cards with tremendous words that reminded me of the "why."

Thinking back to my first year on campus, I am still astounded by the women God brought into my life. Kate, Tate, Katie and Ellyn are four that I think of immediately. Each at such different places in their lives with different hopes, dreams, and life experiences. All of these years later, I reflect on where the Lord has taken them and I smile. Two are reaching out to students overseas, one is married and seeking to minister well with her spouse, and the other is living life with the Lord and figuring out what He has for her.

I am so proud of each of them. They've grown up so much. They have hearts that desire for others to know the hope that Jesus brings. All, in their unique and special ways are serving Him and loving Him in the midst of life. And, I know He is using them.

The same is true of the women I met the next year... Sarah, Kristyn, Dawn, Sangeun and others. What it boils down to for me tonight is that I'm so blessed. I can't believe that God would allow me to live life with these women and have a front row view to their processes with Him and with others. Girls, if you're reading this... Thanks for letting me be apart of your lives. I'm so grateful for you and love and miss you tons and tons! (Oh, and I like you! :) )

It's strange not to work directly with students anymore, but who could ask for a better foundation for my work than spending these precious years on campus? I'm reminded that although I'm not the one meeting with the Sarah's, Tate's, Katie's, and Kate's that someone is... And, I'm in a position to help leverage that work, so that those students will graduate from school loving Jesus, reaching out to others with the gospel, and investing their lives as Christ-centered laborers wherever He takes them.

What a great reminder tonight.

1 comment:

Jessica Bott said...

Katie! Glad you found me on here. I love this blogging action. :) Miss you a ton! We'll talk soon....