Saturday, May 04, 2013

Summer Scenery

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" 
--Mary Oliver--

A woman I've only met over the phone offered this quote and a few significant words of encouragement to me in an email after we spoke last week. I've been thinking of it as I completed (well, nearly completed...) the process of moving. I have high hopes for this life of mine. The past few months have been so challenging, but I don't want to give up on the dreams God has given me or the pictures He has offered me about what He is doing all around me. 

I woke up this morning and opened the blinds. The picture above is my view for the summer. What a gift. I slept better than I have in months and while I was still sleepy upon waking, I pressed into the day with hope that this adventure is a good one to be on. I feel safe and wanted in this place. I feel removed from my routine already. It's a good feeling. I have space and time to take some deep breaths and consider the future. I GET to (there it is again!) sit with Jesus and savor Him. I GET to look out this window and consider the things He has put in my heart. I GET to listen and consider all He tells me about where He's taking me and the good He has for me and others in the process.

Sometimes all that's required is a change of scenery. I'm thankful to have it. I didn't know how badly I needed this break from my regularly scheduled life. Though there's no doubt it will prove challenging to commute for work and see friends, I get to choose into a new rhythm, a fresh pace. And, I'm not alone. There's something very significant about that aspect of this change for me. These friends and their sweet little ones are a gift for me. So, here's to considering, again, what I get to do with my one wild and precious life...

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