It's May Day! And, birthday time once again! My baby sister is growing up! Quacker, here are a couple songs for you, from me, with wishes for peace and harmony :) ... I couldn't decide which song to sing for you, so here's a sampling (either: hold down left mouse button & Ctrl button simultaneously or just click on the link... you should be good to go - should open fine with Media Player, etc). I think the last one might be my very favorite. Enjoy!
The Beatles
Happy Birthday to You, You're So Young
Happy, Happy Birthday Baby
Happy Birthday times 3!
We Love You, You're Number One
This is Jessica's ever-loving sister and the recipient of this grand gesture. The last song is my favorite although they were all equally bizarre. I showed all of my friends this and they think that she's crazy. I love her anyway.
Crazy JJ....
I'm a bit worried about how attached you are to cake...
Oh, my cutest little sister... Good job commenting on my blog. And, for the record, I am not crazy, just fun! I'm excited to see you!
Ok, so I guess obsessed with cake is the new definition for fun. I can work with that. Thanks for the support. I'm a first time blogger and all... I am excited to see you too. Until next week...
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