Monday, April 08, 2013

All Will be Mended

There's hope
because in the end
all will be sorted

We'll slough off this shell
only to expose
a glory which will not fade

A new body
but it's only a start
our lenses fully adjusted to truth
our brokenness completely restored
our relationships whole

We won't hurt each other any more

We won't use each other any more

We'll delight in giving ourselves

Honest with ourselves

Honest with one another

We'll know ourselves
there won't be enormous, red-flagging gaps
we won't need distance
all will be mended

The time of reflection will be past
for the mirror dimly expired
bringing us into life, light
We'll radiate glory perfectly

It is now
and also not yet

I can't wait to look
at you
and you
and you
and you
(the list goes on)
without this current prescription
which aides in my understanding
but leaves it incomplete

I think we'll smile
I think we'll laugh
I think we'll delight in it all
We'll talk about what was
without the heartache of the memories
with hope because pain held a purpose
and we've reached the other side fully now

No more caves
no more hiding
no more sitting in it
no more chaos

Perfect dependence
Unending intimacy

Life, at last, is exactly what it's meant to be.

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