Saturday, April 06, 2013

Redemption is in the Air

Sometimes all we need in order to make better, healthier decisions for our lives is to listen to the people who love us. Those who tell us the truth even when it means they risk hurting us further. Those who remind us how they're in our corner. Those who want to be in our story with us.

Closing a heavy door this week, I've turned around to see a room FULL of people who love me. They're cheering me on. They want more for me than I've been able to hope for myself. Did I mention... They LOVE me. I've felt a little overcome by this reality. It's sinking in more deeply by the minute.

I feel so incredibly blessed, so unbelievably grateful. I feel them smiling at me, inviting me to take risks, telling me they'll be with me along the road--especially when it's hard. And, instead of simply pointing me in the right direction and telling me, "Good Luck!" they've stepped in with offers to help protect me as I step onto this path.

What love! What friendship! They SEE me.

In the process, I'm beginning to see what they see more clearly. Their belief that there is more for me, how there are better things for me is inspiring me to believe it for myself. And, it feels like freedom. Like I've allowed some chains to be unlocked, removed. It feels like healing.

Redemption is in the air.

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