Sunday, October 27, 2013

Beauty: Why?

I listened to a message the other day by a guy named Skye Jethanp. His words encouraged me in present considerations regarding my life and my future. For now, I don't need to add commentary. I just want this truth to seep in deeply and set my heart toward the Lord in what He's inviting me into:

"When we cultivate beauty in our worship as the people of God, what we are declaring to a world that is full of ugliness and despair is that you can run out of line and take hold of the beauty. It is within reach because Christ has come! The Kingdom has broken in and the people of God who are inhabited by His Spirit are here to cultivate the beauty of the Kingdom and you, too, can run out of line and take hold of it and find hope in the middle of darkness knowing that the present darkness will not prevail..."

Beauty matters.

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